
Melanie C - Northern Star

Melanie C
Northern Star (1999)
Northern Star

They tried to catch a falling star.
Thinking that she had gone too far.
She did but kept it hidden well.
Until she cracked and then she fell.

If all the history is true.
She's gonna end up just like you.
You made it to the other side.
But tell me who will be my guide.

They build you up so they can tear you down.
Trust the ocean you'll never drown.
Who is next? Who's gonna steal your crown?
You'll see.

I have learnt my lesson well.
The truth is out there I can tell.
Don't look back and don't give in to their lies and goodbyes.
Northern Star.

Fulfil the longing in your heart.
Then we will never be apart.
And if they dare to question you.
Just tell them that our love is true.

They buy your dreams so they can sell your soul.
Is it any wonder we've lost control?
Feelings come, feelings go.

I have learnt my lesson well.
The truth is out there I can tell.
Don't look back and don't succumb to their lies and goodbyes.
Live your life without regret.
Don't be someone who they forget.
When you're lost reach out for me.
And you'll see she's not far.
Northern Star.
Northern Star.

I have learnt my lesson well.
The truth is out there I can tell.
Don't look back and don't succumb to their lies and goodbyes.
Live your life without regret.
Don't be someone who they forget.
When you're lost reach out for me.
And you'll see she's not far.
Northern Star.
Northern Star.
Northern Star.

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1995年全球的‘辣妹合唱团’,被誉为是仅次于‘披头四合唱团’另一次英国乐坛奇迹。她们拥有全球超越4000万张销售纪录,还拍过电影。运动辣妹-媚儿喜(Melanie C)在辣妹解散后就以强烈的个人风格,努力从青少年偶像转型为实力唱将,仅管面对一些冷眼等着看她从云端跌落谷底的无情媒体,使得她个人歌手之路反而比其他新人更艰辛,她却以加倍的勇气与毅力,向世人证明她的成功绝对不是靠包装,凭借着她扎扎实实的实力,媚儿喜真的做到了,在单飞后所推出的专辑Northern Star(UK No.4)/Reason(UK No.5)都拿下佳绩,而她曾共同参与创作的歌曲中,更有11首拿下了全英单曲榜冠军,使她荣膺英国单曲榜‘史上拥有最多冠军单曲创作纪录的女艺人’头衔。

在成立了Red Girl唱片公司后,媚儿喜更进一步地从创作、表演到发行都贴近理想来实行。在经历了九个月巡回表演之后所酝酿出的新专辑,汇集了摇滚力道与媚儿喜越来越成熟的深度思绪。媚儿喜表示,藉着现场表演的实地演练以及与歌迷互动的经验,包括她对音乐创作的心得,都具体而地透露在新作品中。媚儿喜亲自参与了专辑中大部分歌曲的创作与制作,空降英国单曲榜No.8的首支单曲“Next Best Superstar”主题是关于明星文化与瞬间成名的压力,仿佛就是媚儿喜自己的心情写照;抒情佳作“Better Alone”描绘失落的忧郁心情,媚儿喜的歌声在其中有着突出的表现;专辑同名单曲“Beautiful Intentions”则是首清亮愉快的流行摇滚曲,散发着舒服又抢眼的摇滚热力。媚儿喜不但往实力创作歌手的目标又迈进了一大步,同时也让乐评与乐迷们对这位昔日的运动辣妹、今日最强悍的摇滚女力刮目相看。
