
4 Non Blondes - What's Up

凡是听过what’s up的朋友,没有不被主唱Linda充满活力、梦幻般的嗓音所迷到,what's up 这首歌也只有这样的嗓音才能得到极限的发挥,每每似乎山穷水尽,却又能峰回路转!

What's Up

4 Non Blondes

Twenty-five years and my life is still

Trying to get up that great big hill of hope

For a destination

And I realized quickly when I knew I should

That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man

For whatever that means

And so I cry sometimes

When I'm lying in bed

Just to get it all out

What's in my head

And I am feeling a little peculiar

And so I wake in the morning

And I step outside

And I take a deep breath and I get real high

And I scream at the top of my lungs

What's going on?

And I say, hey hey hey hey

I said hey, what's going on?

ooh, ooh ooh

and I try, oh my god do I try

I try all the time, in this institution

And I pray, oh my god do I pray

I pray every single day

For a revolution

And so I cry sometimes

When I'm lying in bed

Just to get it all out

What's in my head

And I am feeling a little peculiar

And so I wake in the morning

And I step outside

And I take a deep breath and I get real high

And I scream at the top of my lungs

What's going on?

And I say, hey hey hey hey

I said hey, what's going on?

Twenty-five years and my life is still

Trying to get up that great big hill of hope

试听: What's Up

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Marie Digby - Shoulda Been Simple


玛莉笛比(Marié Digby)出生于1983年,是一位美国的女性歌手兼作曲人,擅长钢琴与吉他。她是一个混血儿,她的母亲是日本人,父亲则是爱尔兰后裔的美国人,目前居住在洛杉矶。她的父母生有三个女儿,Marié Digby是最年长。她开始创作歌曲是在洛杉矶读高中的时候。在毕业之后,她进入University of California(加州大学柏克莱分校)学习哲学。

2007年5月,自从 Digby 透过YouTube以木吉他翻唱女歌手Rihanna 的Umbrella 这首歌以来,她的知名度也因此盛传开来。随后这个翻唱版本也被STAR 98.7 电台播放(STAR 98.7 又称KYSR,美国加州洛杉矶的当代成人音乐电台),甚至曾被MTV 电视台用为 The Hills 的第三季节目(You Know What You Did )的插曲,过去也曾在美国NBC电台的Last Call with Carson Daly 节目中表演过Marie Digby 在家中后院以电子琴现场演唱自创歌曲Stupid For You ,因为有小狗串场,让美媚的俏皮模样有加分作用,网路上也有一些粉丝乐迷争相翻唱。

早在2004年,当她赢得了Pantene(潘婷,专营洗发护发产品的国际性品牌,大家熟知的便是他们的洗发精)公司所举办的音乐比赛(Pro-Voice Music Competition)优胜时,就开始吸引了公众的目光,那时候Digby 是演唱关于她个人自传的创作歌曲-Miss Invisible。2006年,她的创作歌曲Fool被收录在迪士尼(Disney )的一张Girl Next 合辑里头,2007年,她的Umbrella 翻唱版本也在iTunes 发行。Digby 已被好莱坞唱片(Hollywood Records,为Disney 公司所有的唱片厂牌)签为旗下艺人。