
Yanni - With an orchid


人们把雅尼(Yanni)称作是一个用音 乐讲述生活的人。从他的身上可以感到古老 希腊的浪漫诗意与年轻美国的奔放现代的融 合。Yanni 的作品将高雅的古典交响乐与绚 丽的现代电声乐巧妙地结合起来。他曾说过: “我的目标是用感情与人们沟通,我捕捉到 了生活的感受并把它溶于音乐之中,音乐将 会给听众带来希望的撞击。”
Yanni出生在希腊南部的一个海滨小镇。 少时因为家境不好,无法受到正规有序的音 乐教育,但这并不能抑制他与生俱来的音乐 天赋的成长。他可以不需要任何谱子而仅凭 超人的记忆,准确地记下听过的任何音乐中 的每一个音符。
雅尼曾为许多广告、电视片制作配乐( 完美的爱人)《I Love You Perfect》是19 89年美国电视网电视长片,雅尼承袭他一贯 的清新风格,为整部电视片营造出浪漫动人, 宽阔自由又略带伤感的乐风,完美呈现出剧 情的情境转折及剧中人物的悲喜心绪。他擅 长用电子合成技术将古典音乐以现代人的视 角做重新诠释。在繁忙喧闹的快节奏生活之 中,偷得半日闲来聆听Yanni的音乐, 也许 可以找寻到一份久违了的轻松和休闲。 作为一个拥有独特创作方式的音乐人, Yanni 不愿被纳入任何流派,他独创着一般 魅力独具的音乐潮流。

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·In the Morning Light


·I Love You Perfect

·Rites of Passage



·In The Mirror

Trademark - I'll be the one


Imagine that your heart would beat for me
you know that I'm waiting patiently
till you're by my side
every day; every night
baby you're the one I need can't you see
you know my heart is beating just for you
baby I don't seem to find the clue
to be by your side
every day and every night
but I feel my heart is aching without you

Maybe I'll be the one
if you want me here to stay
Maybe I'll be the one
to guide you all the way
No I'm never gonna hurt you
you're always on my mind
and I'll be the one untill the end of time

Sure there is a way for you and me
together and forever it will be
I'll be by your side
every day and every night
but I'll feel my heart is aching without you

Maybe I'll be the one
if you want me here to stay
Maybe I'll be the one
to guide you all the way
No I'm never gonna hurt you
you're always on my mind
and I'll be the one until the end of time

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  发迹于德国的三人乐团Trademark,是BMG集团继Air Supply后,再次为全亚洲乐迷准备的抒怀乐曲全餐。融合了Richard Marx的性感与Air Supply的高亢式美声和谐唱腔及令您深深至醉的柔情曲调。Trademark将是喜爱摇滚情歌的您的唯一选择。
  由Achim Remling、Mirko Baumer及Sascha Sadeghian三位音乐同好组成的Trademark,原本在餐厅担任侍应生的职务,在一次驻唱乐团无故缺席的情况下,三人一时技痒遂上台客串,精彩的演出不仅博得了满堂彩,更为他们的学艺之路写下了完美的首页。《Another Time, Another Place》是Trademark进军乐坛的首张专辑,由简单的钢琴与吉它伴奏下开场的首支单曲“I'll Be The One”,三人各具特色的唱腔在曲子进行间交替出现,营造出一种有别于以往情歌团体单主唱的不同感受。紧接着的第二首单曲“I'm Not Supposed To Love You Anymore”,则以缠绵悱恻的情绪起伏,赢得了德国当地歌迷一致的推荐,相信在亚洲地区也会获得强烈反响。另外如“Miss You Finally”,“Is It Love”等曲也别具特色。

  本专辑在中国大陆有两个版本,其一为上海音像公司1999年发行,其二为上海声像出版社2002年发行,音像的版本多出了两首歌:Moving On (Up Down)和Standing on the Edge。音像的版本我只有磁带,现在发布的这个版本则是使用上海声像的CD制作而成的。上面的介绍文字即来自于声像版的CD封套。

Time to say goodbye


Andrea Bocelli &Sarah Brightman - Time to say goodbye


quando sono sola
sogno all'orizzonte
e mancan le parole,
si lo so che non c'è luce
in una stanza quando manca il sole,
se non ci sei tu con me, con me.
su le finestre
mostra a tutti il mio cuore
che hai accesso,
chiudi dentro me
la luce che
hai incontrato per strada.

time to say goodbye.
paesi che non ho mai
veduto e vissuto con te,
adesso si li vivrò.
con te partirò
su navi per mari
che, io lo so,
no, no, non esistono più,
it's time to say goodbye.-- con te io li vivrò.

quando sei lontana
sogno all'orizzonte
e mancan le parole,
e io si lo so
che sei con me, con me,
tu mia luna tu sei qui con me,
mio sole tu sei qui con me,
con me, con me, con me.

time to say goodbye.
paesi che non ho mai
veduto e vissuto con te,
adesso sì li vivrò.
con te partirò
su navi per mari
che, io lo so,
no, no, non esistono più,

con te io li rivivrò.
con te partirò
su navi per mari
che, io lo so,
no, no, non esistono più,
con te io li rivivrò.
con te partirò
io con te.

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  一九九七年全球流行乐坛最热门的话题之一,莫过于由英国音乐剧第一女伶莎拉·布莱曼与意大利盲歌手波伽利所合唱的「告别的时刻」(Time To Say Goodbye)一曲、以雷霆万钧之势,横扫古典流行跨界音乐领域。单单在德国,这首单曲便销售了三百万张,成为德国有史以来最畅销的单曲唱片;除此之外,更高居英国流行榜亚军,以及法、瑞、奥、意等国的极度高名次。


[MV]James Blunt - You're beautiful

  在2005年的英国乐坛里,出现了一位充满传奇性的音乐人,和一张专辑及一首单曲。这位今年在英国乐坛,让大家惊艳不已的歌手就是上尉诗人James Blunt,和他的英国冠军专辑《Back to Bedlam》及冠军单曲You are Beautiful。截至目前为止James Blunt的专辑已经蝉连英国金榜专辑榜冠军5周,同时也在单曲上蝉连4周冠军,因此更创下专辑及单曲双榜连续冠军4周的纪录。在如此辉煌的音乐成绩之下,这个低调的歌手,却有着如小说里人物般的传奇色彩。James Blunt,出生在军人家庭,从英国布里斯托大学毕业后,在推出这张经典专辑之前,他加入军队并一路升到上尉,担任过英国女王亲卫队,也曾被派驻到德国科索沃目睹血腥内战,并成为第一个派遣到普利斯提纳的英国军官,领导三万人的和平部队。在白天,James Blunt是带领3万人和平部队的军官,但每到夜里,他总是会爬上他的坦克车,在宁静的夜空下,拿着吉他写下这张专辑里的歌曲。

以单曲You are Beautiful连续蝉连英国单曲榜4周冠军,同时以专辑《Back to Bedlam》蝉连英国专辑榜5周冠军的James Blunt,在英国时间8/14傍晚7点,在BBC电台公布的英国金榜单曲榜里,将面临了来自同门师兄Daniel Powter及一样是同门的流行乐坛小天皇Craig David的挑战,已经蝉连单曲榜4周冠军的James Blunt,将面临同门师兄在单曲榜上的挑战。全英乐迷都高度关切,这首由James Blunt带来,传唱全英的单曲You are Beautiful,是否可以再次蝉连第五周的冠军,但是已有两年没有新作品的流行乐坛小天皇Craig David,来势汹汹地在本周推出新专辑首打单曲All the Way,即将在今天晚上公布的英国金榜可说是备受瞩目。James Blunt的专辑《Back to Bedlam》将暂定于8/23在台发行。



my life is brilliant
my life is brilliant
my love is pure

I saw an angel of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful it's true
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do.
cos I'll never be with you

Yes, she caught my eye,
As I walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
* high
'And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful it's true
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do.
cos I'll never be with you

La la la la,

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.

But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.

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