
Enya - Amarantine


    时隔五年之久,爱尔兰最为著名的女歌手之一Enya发行了最新的个人专辑《Amarantine》。Enya说专辑名代表的意思是“永恒”。尽管Enya已经成功发行了多张畅销专辑,全世界的歌迷听Enya也已似乎已经成为了一种习惯,但当这位独成一派的天籁美声再度发行新专辑的时候,依然吸引了全世界歌迷的目光。专辑《Amarantine》在发行后的第一周以17万8千张的销量排在本周Billboard 200 专辑榜的第八位。

    在这张新专辑《Amarantine》中,Enya依然与词作者罗马·莱恩(Roma Ryan)制作人尼基·莱恩(Nicky Ryan)这两位发行1988年的经典专辑《Watermark》时的黄金搭档合作。虽然Enya发片速度稍慢,但这张用五年时间等来的专辑的确没有让人失望。富有古典韵味的厚重的合成器伴奏,标志性的飘渺嗓音,再加上诗意的歌词,这些都表明Enya对于“保持自我风格与创新”这个所有音乐人都需要面临的问题解决得很成功,在音乐上不断寻求创新的Enya并没有失去自我。对于Enya来说,优秀似乎已经成为了她的一种习惯。

    在专辑同名歌曲《Amarantine》中,Enya非常有创意的将慢版的华尔兹节奏作为歌曲的主线。另外,《If I Could Be Where You Are》,《Long Long Journey》和《Amid the Falling Snow》等多首旋律优美的歌曲都让我们感觉仿佛置身仙境......对于Enya,也许过多的语言只会打破她所营造的这种优美意境。



You know when you give your love away
It opens your heart,
Everything is new.
And you know time will always find a way
To let your heart believe it's true.

You know love is everything you say;
A whisper, a word,
Promises you give.
You feel it in the heartbeat of the day.
You know this is the way love is.

Love is.
Love is.

You know love may sometimes make you cry,
So let the tears go,
They will flow away,
For you know love will always let you fly
...How far a heart can fly away!


You know when love's shining in your eyes
It may be the stars
Fallen from above.
And you know love is with you when you rise,
For night and day belong to love.

    1961年5月17日,原名为Eithne Ni Bhraonain的Enya生于爱尔兰,童年在爱尔兰西北部的Donegal县的Gweedore度过。长在音乐世家的Enya家中共有9个兄弟姐妹。除了排行中间的Enya外,家中还有4个女孩和4个男孩。一家人在音乐方面获奖甚多,并闻名于爱尔兰传统音乐圈。

    从小便接受了良好的音乐教育的Enya在1979年离开家乡加入到了乐队Clannad(来自Gweedore的家庭“the family from Gweedore”的缩写)当中担任键盘手。在Clannad期间,Enya共参与了乐队两张专辑的录制。1982年,由于“自己不想再跟着乐队一直往流行方向发展”,Enya离开了Clannad乐队,开始个人发展。

    在接下来的几年中,Enya的主要成绩就是和制作人Nicky Ryan其妻子Roma Ryan合作制作了BBC电视系列剧《The Celts》的原声大碟。这张动听的原声大碟使个人发展的Enya开始得到了各界的关注。在接下来的1988年,Enya和Ryan夫妇合作的第二张专辑《Watermark》一发行便在排行榜上势如破竹。专辑中的首支单曲《Orinoco Flow》很快就成为英国榜冠军单曲。《Watermark》也排在New Age专辑榜的第二位。本张专辑此后在全球共销售800多万张,至今的销量已达上千万张,一下打响了Enya的国际知名度。专辑此后并在14个国家都取得了白金销量。

    1991年,Enya发行了在《Watermark》之后的另一张成功的专辑《Shepherd Moons》。这张专辑被誉为最好的NEW AGE大碟,也正是凭着这张大碟,恩雅在1992年第一次获得了格莱美最佳New Age专辑奖。1995年12月,Enya第四张专辑《Memory of Trees》出版。《Memory of Trees》成功打入美国榜前十,在发行后的第一年中狂卖了200万张并成为Enya第二张获得格莱美最佳New Age专辑的唱片。1997年,Enya发行首张个人精选集《Paint the Sky with Stars: The Best of Enya》。

    在上张录音室专辑发行五年之后,《A Day Without Rain》于2000年面市。《A Day Without Rain》延续了上张录音室专辑《Memory of Trees》在美国的成功,勇夺Billboard 200专辑榜亚军,成为迄今为止Enya在美国打榜成绩最好的专辑。同时,《A Day Without Rain》也使Enya完成了个人的格莱美“帽子戏法”,再次获得2001年格莱美最佳New Age专辑。2002年,Enya为《Lord of the Rings》电影原声大碟创作了单曲《May It Be》并获得奥斯卡奖提名。2005年,44岁的Enya发行最新录音室专辑《Amarantine》。KFC MAN/文

Taylor Swift - Tim McGraw


没错Taylor Swift相对而言是一个新人,以出道单曲《Tim McGraw》一炮走红,绝对是影响今后乐坛走势的潜力股,值得关注的新人~

You said the way my blue eyes shined,
Put those Georgia stars to shame that night.
I said: "That's a lie."
Just a boy in a Chevy truck,
That had a tendency of gettin' stuck,
On backroads at night.
An' I was right there beside him all summer long.
An' then the time we woke up to find that summer'd gone.

But when you think: Tim McGraw,
I hope you think my favorite song.
The one we danced to all night long:
The moon like a spotlight on the lake.
When you think happiness,
I hope you think: "That little black dress."
Think of my head on your chest,
An' my old faded blue jeans.
When you think Tim McGraw,
I hope you think of me.

September saw a month of tears,
An' thankin' God that you weren't here,
To see me like that.
But in a box beneath my bed,
Is a letter that you never read,
From three summers back.
It's hard not to find it all a little bitter sweet,
An' lookin' back on all of that, it's nice to believe:

When you think: Tim McGraw,
I hope you think my favorite song.
The one we danced to all night long:
The moon like a spotlight on the lake.
When you think happiness,
I hope you think: "That little black dress."
Think of my head on your chest,
An' my old faded blue jeans.
When you think Tim McGraw,
I hope you think of me.

And I'm back for the first time since then:
I'm standin' on your street,
An' there's a letter left on your doorstep,
An' the first thing that you'll read:

Is: "When you think: Tim McGraw,
"I hope you think my favorite song."
Some day you'll turn your radio on,
I hope it takes you back to that place.
When you think happiness,
I hope you think: "That little black dress."
Think of my head on your chest,
An' my old faded blue jeans.
When you think Tim McGraw,
I hope you think of me.
Oh, think of me,

You said the way my blue eyes shined,
Put those Georgia stars to shame that night.
I said: "That's a lie."