
Rosie Thomas - Say Hello


If I find him
If I just follow
Would he hold me and never let me go
Would he let me borrow his wool winter coat
I don’t know, I don’t Know

If I see her standing there alone
At the train station, three stops from her home
I have half a mind to say what I’m thinking anyway
But I don’t know, I don’t know

There’s an airplane in the sky
With a banner right behind
"Loneliness is just a crime
look each other in the eye
And say hello-o-o-o-o
and say hello-o-o-o-o

M- Hey there. How you doing?
W-Hi, my name is Mary.

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清新的吉他,优美的钢琴,婉转柔和的声线,这个来自西雅图的美丽女人给民谣界带来了不同以往的声音。Rosie Thomas很早就确立了她精致的特点鲜明的曲风,但直到她加入Velour 100乐队之后才得以成名,Rosie Thomas在这支以Dream-Pop为主的乐队担任主唱,随后她退出乐队,开始了自己的民谣生涯。2002年的那张《When We Were Small》好评如潮,使人们一下便记住了这个声音甜美的女孩,她的歌声中总是隐隐透着些沧桑感,尽管曲风清新但却有股成熟女人的韵味在里面,真假声的变换频繁却又不让人觉得腻,反而成为她最具标志性的嗓音特点
